If you want to live a longer life, start with positive thinking. Learning how to be an optimist can make your heart and your mind healthier. A positive thinker is always better equipped with a significantly stronger immune system, as it increases your white blood cell count which helps you fight off infection and disease. Specifically, if you're optimistic towards your life, the world would become a beautiful masterpiece of art, or else, the world would appear scary and horrible for those who have more negative thought patterns.
Positive Thinking: Tips for Maintaining Optimism
"To maintain positive thinking you need to pay attention to basic needs such as getting enough rest, proper nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and heath care. It means keeping your life in balance. Here are some tips for keeping a positive outlook:
• Let it out. Keeping feelings of sadness, anger, or guilt bottled up inside is unhealthy. Talk to a friend or loved one. Write it on a piece of paper and burn it after reading it aloud; or shout it out but get your feelings out in the open where you can deal with them and complete with them forever.
• Replace negative thinking with positive thinking. "People who are optimistic are able to reframe negatives into positives. Practicing this kind of positive spin will eventually make it automatic. Since there are no absolute truths, consider your life story. Do you want it to be a positive one or a tragic one?
• Learn to deal with stress. Some stress is inevitable. Learn to handle it in a positive way. "Exercise sheds stress, releases endorphins, helps you focus, creates personal empowerment, and boosts the immune system. Having a good social support system, accepting change, and keeping life in perspective are other ways people can deal with stress and maintain positive thinking.
• Be a survivor. Life is both magic and tragic. We all have to face loss, failure, and disappointment sometimes. People who are optimistic find a way to recover. They develop resilience. Life is a series of recoveries. When you understand this premise, you believe that you will get through your obstacles and emerge stronger with experience and empowerment to navigate the next challenge.
• Create time for fun. Positive thinking and joy go together. Instead of an endless to-do list, pursue a creative hobby to fill any loss or grief you are experiencing. Activate your sense of fun. Laughter is your inner treadmill and it breaks negativity instantly. Laugh on small things, spend time with kids or pets, have fun.
• Take good care of yourself. People who are optimistic don't neglect their physical health. To enjoy anything else in the whole world, whether a meal, a car, a house or a relationship, you need to be healthy first- and if it’s that important, let’s do some additional effort to keep it right.
Positive thinking and optimism really do contribute to a longer, healthier life. Avoid the false sense of optimism offered by drugs and alcohol. These solutions to stress only cause more problems in the long run. Positive thinking provides its own rewards, so take responsibility for your thoughts. As the great William Shakespeare once wrote, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
I realize it is not how long you live but how intensely you live, in terms of appreciating your life and living life to the fullest, living positively.
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